My 2024 Goals!

A couple of my goals for 2024 are to travel more and to do more book signings. I would love to do book signings as part of our future travels!

It took me some time to feel confident in talking with bookstore owners/managers about doing a signing. I finally realized that bookstores want authors in their stores as much as authors want to be there. It really is a win-win scenario on both sides. We had an open house at our home in April 2023 for a book signing which really helped me get used to the idea. Then, the two bookstore hosts I worked with were very kind and welcoming to this first-time author. 

Intimidation has been a stumbling block for me this year. I had it in my head that I was not an experienced enough author to do book signings. As a coach, I could ask myself what is intimidating me. As I truly pondered that question a few months ago, I knew was worried about rejection. So, what can rejection ultimately do to me? In answering that I have realized no other person has that kind of power over me. It is an imposter syndrome symptom. 

I legitimately wrote a book. That means I am an author and I can do a book signing. Believing that helps me step up and make contacts with bookstore owners. 

Back to my goal of traveling and scheduling signings as part of our travel – I can’t wait to get started! 

Do you want to talk, and get coached on goals for 2024? Send me a message and we will schedule some time together. I can’t wait to hear from you!  


Word of the Year: Create


Breakthrough Writing