Writing Tip: Talk About It!

Whatever you are writing, whatever the current project, talking about it with others helps keep it fresh. I have written many things over the past years and if I did not talk about them with someone, they just sat in my computer. I didn’t always talk about every single writing I finished. 

My husband, Vernon, has been my main listener through the years. His support and encouragement with my writing has truly helped keep me motivated and inspired to keep writing. 

On my bigger projects, like Into the Canyon, book 1 in the Kammer Family Trilogy, I talked a lot about it. I mainly talked with Vernon and our immediate family, as they were my support system through it all. 

Currently, while working on (finishing) book 2 of the Kammer Family Trilogy, I know if I don’t talk about it, I will feel less motivated and that is not good when trying to finish up a project. 

It helps a lot to have someone in your corner, who supports your writing, to listen and let you talk as much as you need to about your writing projects. 

My writing tip this month is to talk about it and do it often!


Blank Canvas


Foster Baby #3