Rules for Writing

When writing my first book, Into the Canyon, released in April 2023, I had a lot of anxiety around what the “rules for writing” might be. I googled, searched, and thought about it a lot. As I wrote and worked on my book, I found myself getting hung up on what those “rules” might be. 

More recently, while working on book 2, it occurred to me that there really are no “rules for writing,” just suggestions. Googling this brought up varying top 5 rules; everything from “keep it simple” to “planning and outlining.” 

I am not disregarding obvious rules such as punctuation and grammar or the technical aspects of writing. These are all extremely important. 

Overall, my experience in writing and publishing book 1 is there are no rules (other than the obvious). This understanding has led me to the concept I have mentioned before, to “Just Write!” Personally, I do much better when I think this way while writing. 

No two writers/authors are the same. We all have our styles, our opinions, and our gifts. 

What is stopping you from being able to “Just Write?” Let’s talk!


Breathing In Life


Don’t Should on Yourself, Just Write!